Third Breakout Session
Nietzsche’s Guide to Greatness -- Dr. Jason Powell
In this session we will look at Nietzsche’s short piece, “On the Three Transformations,” which charts the journey on how we become fully and creatively human.
A Philosophy Game -- Jen Rowland
Without giving away too many details, I will tell you three things about this game: 1) each person will be assigned a role in a new society; 2) this society has some issues; and 3) these issues need to be resolved. This game is fully participatory, so be prepared!
How to Start a Philosophy Club -- Gabriel Shetterley and Lexi Woods
Are you interested in starting a philosophy club at your school? Join Ball State's returning Philosophy Club executive board members to learn how to create and maintain a philosophy club. Find resources for building and leading presentations, researching topics, and facilitating philosophical debate. Additionally, gain helpful tips on keeping a philosophy club interesting, engaging, and enlightening for all members while still keeping everything behind the scenes functioning.
Epistemology, the study of how we know, has changed radically in the last few years. We will discuss these changes and why epistemology is better today than it was just a few years ago.
What's Happening in Epistemology Today -- Dr. Juli Thorson
Feeling of the Creeps -- Dr. Rachel Fredericks
We can all give examples of people who we think are creeps and things we think are creepy. But, really, what is the feeling of the creeps that we have in response to those things? Is the creeps much different from regular old fear? I think so. We’ll talk about our experiences of creepiness, and I’ll give you some reasons to think it is an ethically significant emotion. SPOILER ALERT: We’ll discuss the 2017 movie Get Out during this session. You are welcome regardless of whether you’ve seen it, but expect the discussion to give away a key plot twist.